Network basics related to wifi hosting (2/2) Packet Processing in Linux

Yuta Fujii
6 min readFeb 12, 2022


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This is a series of posts of building wifi access point on Kali Linux with Raspberry Pi.

Please first read the previous article if you haven’t read yet.

In this article, I’ll explain network architecture and its background.

Final Network Configuration

Below is the network architecture for WiFi access point hosted to actually work.

Let’s dive into detail!

Packet Processing in the Linux Kernel

When packets reach the Raspberry Pi through wireless network, the kernel will perform filtering, NAT, and other processing. It is composed of chains, tables and rules.

There are five types of chains: PREROUTING, FORWARD, POSTROUTING, INPUT, and OUTPUT. In each chain there are five types of process: raw, mangle, nat, filter, and security. And each rule belongs to those matrix.

The whole system is managed in the following way:

Each chain contains the following operations.

iptables command displays each rule.

$ iptables -L -t nat
target prot opt source destination
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
target prot opt source destination
MASQUERADE all — anywhere anywhere

The packet processing rules are ACCEPT, DROP, RETURN, and various other extension rules.

Packet processing in Linux Kernel

This is the overall picture of packet processing in the Linux kernel.

1. Routing preprocessing
2. forwarding or passing through the receiving firewall

1. forwarding or through the sending firewall
2. post-routing processing

The following is a more detailed description of the processing flow.

Inbound packet processing

When a packet arrives at the kernel through the data link layer, three chains of processing are applied, and the subsequent processing depends on whether this host (i.e., this Raspberry Pi) is the final destination of the packet. If yes, the firewall is applied to the inbound packets, and if no, the packets are forwarded.

Routing process of Linux kernel

After processing according to the FORWARD chain rules, it checks if it is possible to determine where this packet should be sent. Here, the routing table managed by the kernel.

You can check the routing table by using the route command (or netstat -r).

$ route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
default UG 600 0 0 wlan1 U 600 0 0 wlan1 U 0 0 0 wlan0

The most matched rule is applied (not first matched rule). In the above example, the default routing is set, so basically everything is “routable” and it will go to the POSTROUTING chain.

After NAT is made in POSTROUTING chain, the packets will finally flow to the outbound interface of the data link layer.

(Optional) Inbound packet processing where the host is the final destination

In this WiFi access point hosting, the packets are not basically destined for this host, but for reference, the firewall order of Inbound packets is as follows.

(Optional) Processing packets to the Outbound generated by applications

And also, if an application running on Linux send packets to the outside world through a socket, the Outbound packet firewall will be applied first.


This is a summary of the whole process.

The rule that I set up this time

When I built WiFi access point, I added the following two rules to the packet processing.

$ iptables — table nat — append POSTROUTING — out-interface <WLAN1> -j MASQUERADE
$ iptables — append FORWARD — in-interface <WLAN0> -j ACCEPT
  • MASQUERADE action at POSTROUTING chain “nat” table
  • ACCEPT action at FORWARD chain “filter” table


This is a type of NAT action that translates host IPs in a private network into a single IP address instead. Masquerade means “to pretend to be someone else”.

IP masquerade is the name given to one type of network address translation that allows all of the hosts on a private network to use the Internet at the price of a single IP address.
(Quoted from Linux Network Administrator’s Guide, 2nd Edition)


The intention is to allow packets from the — in-interface argument. This might be set by default.

Command Usage List

Finally, the following is a list of Linux commands I used.

configure a network interface

# Configure all network interfaces, whether Wireless or LAN.
$ ifconfig
# stop the wlan0 interface
$ ifconfig wlan0 down
# turn on the wlan0 interface
$ ifconfig wlan0 up
# Start the wlan0 interface with its own IP and subnet mask
$ ifconfig wlan0 up netmask

configure a wireless network interface

# Configure a wireless network interface
$ iwconfig
# Switch the mode of the Wireless network interface (monitor mode)
# $ iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor mode $ iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor mode
$ iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT

# Display the nat table rule
$ iptable -t nat -L -v -n
# Without -t option, show filter table.
$ iptable -L -v -n

show / manipulate the IP routing table

$ route# iptable -L -v -n route show / manipulate the IP routing table $ route
# route # IP packet routing table on the kernel # ex) If a packet comes in at, route it to
# Route it to the network interface
$ route add -net netmask gw

DNS lookup utility

# Query
$ dig
# query name server for domain
$ dig @

list open files

# List the processes using port 53
$ lsof -i :53

That’s it!

Happy WiFi hosting! 🚀



Yuta Fujii

Web developer, Data analyst, Product Manager. Ex investment banker( structured finance ). Learn or Die.